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Create a new account & sign up
Create a new account & sign up

In this article, you can find the steps to creating a new business account and getting set up on Choco.

Clarisse Mehrain avatar
Written by Clarisse Mehrain
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you can find the steps to creating a new business account and getting set up on Choco.

  1. Download the Choco app or go to

  2. Open the app on your mobile and select the option Sign up

  3. Enter your mobile number and select Continue

You will receive a 4-digit code via SMS. Once you have received the code, enter it into the field provided

You will be taken to a screen which offers you two sign up options:

  • Create my business on Choco

  • Join my team

To set up a new business account, select the option Create my business on Choco

Now it’s time to add your details and get your profile created:

  1. Enter your full name and email address, and choose the appropriate option for My workplace

  2. Select Create Profile

  3. You will be asked to provide details of your business

  4. Add the Business name and the business’ delivery address

  5. When you select the delivery address field, you will be taken to a new screen. Start typing your business address and select the correct address.

  6. Select Create Business

You are now logged in and your account is set up!

You can start adding your suppliers, products and any team members you would like added to your restaurant.

After this, all that’s left is to place your first order!

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