This feature is only available in the app.
Add a location if you manage one business
Select Suppliers
Click on Settings (⚙️) in the top-right corner
Click on Create my business profil
Enter your Business name (1) and Delivery address (with street number) (2)
Your business name and address will be shared with your suppliers
Your display name is only visible to you and your team
Select Create Business
If your business is already on Choco, you must ask someone in your team to add you, following this process
Add your supplier and select the check mark to confirm
Add location if you manage multiple businesses
Select Add business
Follow the same steps as if you manage one business 👆
How to remove a business location
If you no longer work on a location ask one of the user to remove you from the location. Here are the steps Add and remove restaurant team members
If you want to remove a business because it is closing its operation, please contact our customer care team