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How to do a delivery check

A delivery check allows you to review an order that you have received and connect with your supplier about the order's accuracy.

Iana Lebourdais avatar
Written by Iana Lebourdais
Updated over a month ago

A delivery check allows you to review an order that you have received. In this check you can mark all products received and/or report any issues with your order, i.e. missing products, defective products, incorrect quantity, or any other issues.

Delivery Check on the Choco App

To perform a delivery check, follow these steps:

  1. Once you're logged in, go to the orders tab at the bottom of the screen

  2. In the orders section, you should see a list of your current and past orders. Find the specific order for which you would like to do a delivery check, and tap on it to open the details.

  3. Here, you can review the order information, including the delivery address, recipient's name, order items, and any special instructions provided.

  4. To carry out a delivery check, select Start Delivery Check at the bottom of the screen

  5. Here, you can go through the items from your order.

    • To select products that you have received with no issues, select the checkmark icon.

    • For problem-products, select the x icon beside the relevant product. You will then be asked to select from a list of possible issues - missing product, wrong quantity, defective or other

    • Once you have selected the most appropriate option, you will be asked to provide additional information about the product(s). You also have the option to add a comment and attach a photo of the defective product

      Once you have provided the information on the problem product, select the checkmark icon in the bottom right corner to save

  6. Select Continue to review your delivery check. Once you are happy with your delivery check, select Continue

  7. On the “Request for Supplier” screen, select one of the request options to send to your supplier: Credit Note, Replacement, or Custom Request

  8. You can choose to Save for your Team if anyone else needs to review the order, or simply Send to Supplier to submit your delivery check.

  9. The supplier will then receive a notification of the delivery check, and should respond accordingly.

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