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Marketing Analytics
Christopher Dubec avatar
Written by Christopher Dubec
Updated over 2 weeks ago

This article deep-dives into how to read the analytics for your campaigns on Choco.

Note: analytics are updated hourly and will be continually updated for the subsequent 7 days after the campaign is sent.

1. High-level Analytics



Sent to

Number of customers that received the campaign in their Choco app


Number of customers where at least one contact viewed the campaign


Number of customers where at least one contact clicked on the campaign. A click is measured based on a click on any attachment e.g. pdf, image or attached products.

Placed Order

Number of customers who placed at least 1 order with at least 1 attached product


Total revenue from the total sales of the products attached to the campaign (measured with integrated prices)

Note: The high-level metrics are an open funnel. This means it is possible for a customer to place an order with a product without clicking on the campaign. This is because customers could already be purchasing this product or have added the product from your catalog rather than through the campaign.

2. Customer-level Analytics

2.1 Definitions



Orders with Products

Number of orders containing at least 1 product attached to the campaign

No. of products ordered

Total amount of products purchased
e.g if customer orders 3 potatoes and 4 carrots, the total will be 7


Total revenue from all the sales of the attached products for the given customer

First Order: An order containing a promoted product was the their first order placed through Choco

Reactivation: A customer who hasn’t placed an order in the last 30 days, placed an order containing a campaign product

2.2 Filters

Filters help to narrow down the results to those customers who you should follow up with. There are two types of filters for customer-level data:

  • Customers who did perform a certain action

  • Customers who did not perform a certain action

We suggest using the combination of:

  • Customers who did: View & Click

  • Customers who did not: Place order

The filtered result will show you the customers who engaged with the campaign but didn't place an order. These customers are perfect for sales reps to follow up with to get them across the line!

3. Product-level Analytics



Orders with Products

Number of orders containing the attached product

No. of products ordered

Total amount of the product sold
e.g. if you sell 1 case of carrots in one order and 2 cases in another, the total would be 3 cases sold


Total revenue from all the sales of the attached product

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