Your company profile is what buyers will first see from your business on Choco. Make sure you have a complete and professional profile to improve your visibility and image as a distributor.
The company profile is only accessible from Choco Web. Here's how you can set it up:
1. Open your Choco Webtool on your browser and navigate to the 'Settings' tab
2. Open the first option on the 'Settings' menu, wich is 'Company profile'
3. Once inside the 'Company profile' page, you'll be able to edit the following fields, which result in your profile:
Logo: upload your company logo here
Cover photo: add a representative photo your your business to go together with your logo
Company name: the name of your business
Company discription: write one sentance stating describing your company and what makes it unique
Primary category: select the main assortment of your business
Secondary category: select further assortments in your business
4. Once you've manage to complete all the fields, click on 'Save'.