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How to edit an Order Guide for a customer
How to edit an Order Guide for a customer

This article explains how you can access, add or remove products from the Order Guide of a buyer. This feature is only available on Choco Web.

Ignasi Baldellou Vila avatar
Written by Ignasi Baldellou Vila
Updated this week

How to access an Order Guide for a buyer

  1. Click on the Chats tab in the left side menu

  2. In the search bar, type the name of the buyer

  3. Click on Edit order Guide in the top-right corner

How to edit an Order Guide

Directly from your catalog

  1. Click on Add Product, on the top right

  2. Search products by name or ID within your Catalog

  3. Select the products using the checkbox on the left

  4. Click the Save button at the bottom right corner

Uploading an Excel file

  1. Once inside the order guide page of the buyer, click on 'More', on the top right

  2. Select the option 'Export' to download the Excel template with the existing items in the order guide

3. Open the Excel template (on Excel or Google Sheets) and make the required edits to the order guide. You can modify or remove existing items, add new items to the list or modify the order of the items.

💡 Make sure you only add products that are available in you catalog, with the same product ID and Unite.

4. Save the Excel file (or download the file to xlsx. format if using Google Sheets like in the example below)

5. Go back to the order guide page of the buyer navigate to More -> Import Excel. Select the Excel file you just created.

💡 Note that only products that correctly match to your catalog will be successfully imported.

How to edit the order guide: uploading an invoice

  1. Once inside the order guide page of the buyer, click on 'More', on the top right

  2. Select the option 'Import past invoice' to upload an invoice to the buyer that contain the list of products to be uploaded to the order guide. The invoice can be in PDF or xlsx. formats.

  3. The request can take up to 24 hours to be processed. After that you'll see the products in the order guide.

💡 Note that only products that correctly match to your catalog will be successfully imported.

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